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Dopamenu Workshop
Wed, 15 Nov
Want to increase motivation & beat procrastination? This workshops got it all. Learn how to work WITH your ADHD brain and harness your dopamine.

Time & Location
15 Nov 2023, 19:00 – 21:00 GMT
About the event
ADHDers have lower levels of dopamine & experience challenges with executive function such as impulsivity, memory, productivity and emotional regulation. It is understood that people with ADHD do not experience the same positive feeling and reinforcement when they complete tasks in the same way neurotypicals do.
What we will cover:
- Dopamines role with ADHD.
- What creates dopamine for you.
- What depletes dopamine for you.
- How to increase it and use it wisely.
What will you gain?
- Better understanding of Dopamine.
- Increased awareness of your dopamine levels.
- A plan to regulate your dopamine on a daily basis.
What to expect?
- FREE copy of our dopamenu template.
- Slides on screen with content.
- Closed captions.
- Individual guided activity.
- Break out rooms for partner activity.
- Larger group participation.
Please note:
- U18’s may attend, accompanied by a parent if they wish.
- This event is geared towards ADHDers themselves. It is not directed at supporting professionals to understand ADHD.
Dopamenu Workshop
€15.00Tax: VAT includedSale ended
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